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Mercedes A170


2005 CVT (Automatic) SE.

Solid Mercedes-Benz A-CLASS (The old style that’s higher up and short bonnet, sadly no longer in production) with a fit for purpose 1699 cc engine.

Boasting full leather interior in great condition, EVERYTHING works as it should, there are no malfunctions.

Complete with service history. Mileage is 78,300 and all of those have been done on Guernsey which doesn’t matter at all, Mercedes-Benz built the 1699 engine to last for an expected 250,000km in an urban environment, so it’s sweet as a nut.

It is quite firm on 30 MPG locally, an effect from putting a higher quality engine in a smaller car, but on the up side, keep it serviced every year and it’s eager to please without any surprises, so caring for it is only a £200 service a year with loads of life left.

We have had this car for quite a while, and recently joined the Japanese mini-van club, so this little car is searching for a new home. (Insurance being probative these days to keep a spare car)

This A CLASS loves to be in daily use, no reliability issues whatsoever and no upcoming issues we are aware of.

Versatile little car that is perfectly suited to Guernsey roads, and has an epic boot with the seats folded, can almost be used as a mini van in its own right, also great little family car and thoughtful integrated booster seats in rear.

Price is firm, it’s a good quality example, it’s a lovely spec and it’s problem free.

Videos available, more pics just ask, any test welcome.

07781 134151
[email protected]

Price and Contact details


Telephone: 07781 134151

Email: [email protected]


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